Random musings of the dotcom doctor.......

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Orkut New Design Cool

Orkut, the World's second largest Social Networking website redesigned its interface. Orkut designers added some round corners and new icons. Anyway I was impressed by the new design. I am requesting Orkut staff to start a mobile version of Orkut (mobile.orkut.com). This will be very helpful to the 20 crore strong Indian Mobile Community.

You can view my Orkut profile at orkut.karuturi.org

Here is the snapshot.


Anonymous said...

how done this

Anonymous said...

how done this

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Dr. Subrahmanyam Karuturi

Dr. Subrahmanyam Karuturi , MD, FRSPH (London)

Consultant Physician, Infectious Diseases Specialist and Diabetologist at Kify Hospital

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